Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Greetings and Salutations!

     February 9, 2011 - Wednesday

     Today I am beginning a fun new adventure .... blogging!  At least, it's new to me!  My hope for this blog is to simply share what I am learning from the Lord, where my journey with Him is taking me.  Sometimes it will be fun, sometimes sad, always introspective and hopefully thought provoking!  By the blog's title, "Let Me Tell You Something," I am in no way implying I think I have arrived and need to inform the masses!  Hardly!  My baby girl, almost three - who will most often be referred to as The Princess, Her Royal Little Majesty, Princess Bruiser (she's growing up with three older brothers: bruises happen!) or my pint sized Princess - usually opens her conversations, or demands, with "I tell you," or "Let me tell you something..."  And then there was my husband's friend, a former co-worker and fellow brother in Christ who would preface his statements the same way, always in a heavy latino accent, "Lemme tell you someteen."  It has always been endearing to me, so the title seemed to fit!
     I also want to go back to my writing roots here, developing fun short stories!  With four children now for inspiration (and advice!) I want to write and share stories that you can read to your children!  One day (which is even closer thanks to this first step) I hope to write books for young people, children and youth alike, that parents can be confident will be full of fun and adventure without compromising my principles and standards as based on the Word of God.  Too often my oldest Braveheart (the heroic title I've given to my husband and sons) has brought Accelerated Reader books home from the school library only to have me preview them and send them right back.  Because of the AR reading program, many students are reading books at very high reading levels.  Unfortunately, many of these books are not suitable for their maturity level.  They are filled with adventure and fun but their context lacks greatly in providing sound and solid foundations in principle, dignity, and - most importantly - Godly character.
     Most of the blogs I will begin with are from my Facebook account.  If you are familiar with my facebook page, you may have read these already.  For those only following the blog, hope they will be an encouragement to you!
     Thank you for your interest!  Best wishes and I'll "see" you again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love it already... and that was just the intro!! You're awesome, Blake... and let me tell you something, "I'm SO glad you're finally doing this!" You'll be so glad you did it, too... when you look back years later and wonder where you ever found the time to write a thought-provoking blog, let alone a coherent thought!

    You truly amaze me, girl. The one thing you left out of your intro is what your Bravehearts and The Princess call YOU! Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

    This was a great blog, Blake. I'm looking forward to reading more! Love, love, love it!! Love you!
